Thursday, December 17, 2009

Procrastinating instead of studying.... for my exam in 2 hrs.

Three exams done, two more to go.

I have Enee241 in about two hours. I seriously have no idea how that is going to turn out. His exams are hit or miss. =/ Hopefully this one will be a hit.

I'm waiting anxiously as grades get posted to testudo. So far, I've passed two of my six classes. Yay.

Still waiting on four of them.

Its all going to be over on Saturday. Alllllll overrrr.

Caffeine makes me need to pee. =/

I couldn't stay focused on the damn history essays this morning. Partially because I didn't even bother to understand the second question. But after an hour, my concentration was basically shot. I was screwed. Lolzor. I can't change my grade in that class anyways. Going to get a fucking B. Can't believe this bullshit. It makes me incredibly angry. Rage.

I made myself a peanut butter sandwich for lunch. In the wam lab now.... I have matlab to work on and then 380 after this exam. oh 380. oh 380. oh dear.

im cold. i couldn't find my vest in my extremely large pile of clothing this morning. :(

At least that damn room is usually pretty warm.

Things to do after 12:30pm on Saturday:
Lunch w. Cathy, Rebecca Minkoff sample sale, Georgetown cupcakes maybe? =D

Things to do during break:
P90x. God I love it.
Watch more tv than humanly possible.
Play with Christmas presents.
Play with more Christmas presents.
Try not to spend anymore money.
Maybe work at Rubys?
COOK!!! Yea~! I'm going to cook so much delicious food! =D

Sunday, December 13, 2009


I need to get this shit right this time.

The sleepless nights are coming again. I had the worst time trying to sleep on Friday night. :( When I closed my eyes all I saw racing through my mind were the equations and problem set. Its kinda cool, but then kinda annoying once it becomes 4am and you have to get up at 9.

Somebody took away the table in the fourth floor lounge so I am in the fifth floor now. Its nice and quiet. Hopefully it will stay that way for most of the day. I plan to hog this table for at least the next two hours.

Its raining... Wet and cold :(

On the bright side, I now have a partner in crime for Saturday afternoon! Cathy and I are going to go to the Rebecca Minkoff DC sample sale! I'm really excited even though I plan on just looking. I've bought so much stuff this semester so far its not even funny. I got rid of all of my old bags and replaced them with twice as many new ones. I have four MAMs now, Lavendar, Ostrich/Cream, Orange Haze, and a Studded Brown Bear at home. Two Nikki's: Cranberry and Studded Brown Bear. Two Devotes: Ostrich/Eggshell and Studded Almond. And a 3Zip MAC in Black Haze.

How many is too many? Probably what I have lolz. But seriously, I'm only going to look on Saturday. =P

Alright, enough of a break. Back to studying for math. Oh math. I shall conquer you this time!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Jon is officially a retard.

He has essentially contributed nothing to our SAIC project. I hope he is happy, he got $1000 for doing nothing. I've lost all respect for him. The only thing that he has been useful for is getting our report bound. Thats the ONLY thing that he has contributed to this 10 week long project. Then afterwards he has the nerve to ask us to pay him for the $8 it cost him to get it bound. Um he just got $1k for helping us bind a report. I hate him.

He said something really dumb at our presentation. again. I am going to start a log of "dumb quotes by jon". The shit he says without thinking is really crazy.

"the current in the tube of this light makes the light go faster than the speed of light."


I hope I am the only one who heard it.

I doubt I was...

Other than that awkward statement, the presentation was pretty much a success. Jon didn't say anything after the introduction, and Abs and I rocked that shit. He wants to give us a site tour over winter break. Its going to be exciting if we can work that out. :)

Gary is taking me out to dinner on Friday to celebrate the completion of our SAIC project! I gotta think about what I want to eat. Hehehee.

I've been on and off stressed about school and exams for a while. Some days I am really freaked out, others I am totally fine with the ridiculous amount of shit I have to do. Its weird. And it all ends next Saturday.

Today is one of those relaxed days. I've gotta study for this math exam tmrw though. =]

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Day by day

i'm in the library mugging again. it shall be the death of me sooner or later.

gary is at the baltimore aquarium. i love that place. the last time i went was about ten years ago. i kinda wanted to go during july 4 when we were up there but there were way too many people. i was hoping to go during winter break maybe. im kinda jealous that he went without me. granted, it was essentially free to get in today. he says we will go during winter break, but i feel like its not going to be all that great now that he has seen everything.

its snowing outside. its disgusting.

there is so much to do this weekend. study for math, review for math, learn fucking electrodynamics. do the SAIC project.

ugh. SAIC project. its such a great project, its just seriously been ruined by my experience with jon. i've had to deal with some terrible teammates in the past. like in quest, i worked with some serious morons. but at the end of the day, i would be able to look at them and laugh. i'd bitch about their lack of work, but it was okay because i was still able to see them in around school and say hi. jon however, is truly an utter failure. i've never been so bothered by a teammate before. its not really his lack of work or trying that bothers me at this point. its the fact that he trys to get involved when he doesn't know what is going on and just causes problems. this was the first thing that bothered me. i've tried to help him become a better teammate throughout this project. there are alot of things he needs to learn. but at this point in the semester, we can't afford any fuckups. i've completely lost all respect for him. there is no more. and the part that kills me is that i tried so hard with him. and he throws it all back into my face. he need to learn some humility or he is going to continue his downward spiral. no wonder ATK didn't want him back lol.

but he really took it to the next level when he called blamed me for his downfalls and failures, and then called me a liar. its personal now.

its funny. there are alot of people who i do not like. but i respect them in some ways because they have attributes that make them successful in life. whether its their intelligence, beauty, ability to manipulate people. they have something that will get them somewhere. jon. he doesn't have any of it. he has a good mind, but never is able to do anything to backup what he says. even as just a friend. its sad. not that many people in my life have pushed me to this level. only one that i can think of at this moment.

okay that was my last rant about jon. i'm so done with him. i can't wait until our presentation on tuesday. after that i will never have to deal with him ever again. ^_^

I'm so nervous for exams. I can't believe I have five exams this year. I am starting to prepare now so that I don't fuck myself over. But really, I'm terrified of 380. Its probably going to kick my ass. I need to go to office hours next week.

Things to do today:
~eat wontons
~miss gary

Thursday, November 19, 2009

school is no longer a happy place.

much to do tonight.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I have brought up the topic of potentially going to HKG for winter to the parents. I don't think they will react well.

I need to charge my laptop. And my iPod. And everything electronic that I own. Everything is out of battery haha. fail.

I like the new Yogiberry place in College Park. I actually didn't like Yogiberry after coming home from HK but this place is different from the place in rockville. It is sold by weight so you can get as much or as little as you want. Plus they have alot more flavors than the other place. Instead of the traditional original and green tea, they have flavors like Taro, Lychee, Strawberry, Blueberry, Melon and more.

I'm a big fan of my favorite purple taro. It doesn't even hold a candle to the Taro ice cream in HK but the reminiscent flavor has me coming back for just a bit. $0.45 per oz, you can just get enough to satisfy your sweet cravings for just a few dollars. Its a good idea in esp in this economy, even students aren't willing to plop down $6-8 for a sweet treat.

I'll definitely be back for more.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I dread 380 like no other. Its so bad its probably unhealthy. I kind of don't want to go today, but I know that I must eventually go to office hours by Thursday. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me. Why am I so scared of going to ask for help. I'm obviously incapable of learning this shit straight from the book. That and the fact that there is no partial credit whatsoever. FML.

Starbucks + Pike Place Roast makes it just a little bit better.

Starbucks is effective because I don't have access to internet here haha. I'm certainly not paying for internet. So, good coffee and no internet access = productivity. I like this place. Its nicer than Stamp. Only because I get sporadic internet access at Stamp and I spend a decent amount of time trying to get my connection to work so that I can check email and facebook. fail.

fuck. electrodynamics. i fucking suck at this shit.

Monday, November 16, 2009

mmmmm =)

I have forgotten how delicious Starbucks' fresh brewed coffee is. Not the super flavored and sugared up lattes and fraps, but just plain hot brewed or iced coffee. Pike Place Roast is by far superior to McDonalds and ChikfilA coffee. I can't believe how delicious it is and that the last time I had it was sophomore year. At twice the price with no refills, it will be reserved for super studying occassions. Starbucks is a great place to study for engineering and math. There is free internet access and all of my study materials are offline anyways. It forces me to study since there is no other viable option to procrastinate.

That cup of coffee was so good.

There is this obnoxiously loud guy here though and he is letting everybody know about his problems with his family. He is just one of those people who are loud and don't have a clue. Thank god I brought earplugs or he would have drive me insane.

I need to get a new drivers license sometime this week. I need to get my passport or some other form of ID to get a new one. Maybe I will go home this weekend and get it.

241 exam comes back maybe today? If its anything like the way 380 is, I don't want it back. I'd rather just crawl under a boulder and die.

I need to get back into the habit of doing p90 at least every other day. It keeps me sane. Bring it! ^_^

Maybe I should bake something delicious this week after Wednesday. Lots of fun matlab due this week. Have to go get owned at office hours. SAIC project needs to be worked on. I am completely unfunctional if I get less than 7 hours of sleep each night. Its weird cos I totally survived through the first three years of college with random sleep. I dunno if I am doing better this year. I think too many classes with too little time. History paper to write this weekend -__-" I need to pick a topic before Wednesday. Need to get an A on this nonsense.

Holy god. 241 FTW. I actually did somewhat well on this exam. Incredible. I like this.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Its the home stretch. There is pretty much no stopping until the semester ends at this point. The only class I am really concerned with is 380. Epic fail on this last exam. Like no other. I don't know what I am doing with this shit. Fuck.

I also need to get working on that SAIC project. Omfg so behind on that. Maybe I will work on it tonight. jk. I NEED to work on it tonight.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


School frustrates me. I've had at least one exam every single week for the past 8 weeks. Whats going on with this nonsense. So annoying.

I wish I had more time to dedicate to my SAIC project. Its really interesting and I have alot of ideas for it, but so little time to do any of it.

I think its about now in the semester where I start to give up alot of sleep in order to get stuff done. Its terrible though because even now when I sleep at 1 and get up at 8, I am exhausted and ready to pass out by the time midnight rolls around. I don't know how I used to do it before. I gotta get back into that habit. That terrible habit.

I noticed that the keyboard on my Eee shows wear really quickly. I've had this thing for under two months now, using it abt two times a week for light typing in history class and I can already see the areas on the keyboard that are starting to get shiny. Funny b/c on my MS keyboard, I've used that thing for over three years now and it hasn't shown any sort of wear whatsoever. And I bang on that thing day and night. My HP laptop keyboard is pretty worn in although not the worst. It doesn't really bother me but I just found it kinda interesting. I wonder how MS's is designed to withstand so much more wear.

I need to memorize shit for tmrw's 241 exam... Its weird, engineering usually isn't memorization but I think that in this case, it might help me do better.

Four hours of sleep last night is not doing me any good. I could use a decent nap after dinner. And then hopefully that will keep me going for the rest of the night. Probably not going to three of my four morning classes again. 241 exam is at 2. Dinner at Matchbox though. At least there is something to look forward to. Marcus is leaving for Germany at the end of December! :( Sometimes I wish I could do the things that he does. But I am too chicken shit to even dare. And then, I need to keep up with 380 by reading the lecture notes this weekend. Math exam next week that I need to ace. I need to start understanding what the fuck is happening in 246.

Its week 11 of the semester. Only five more weeks left. Well four and a half. And then finals are here.

I think I need to get the hell out this weekend. Maybe I'll go wander DC. Or maybe I'll just leave early tmrw and do take a walk before dinner. Might be a better idea unless I decide to nap.

Plane tickets are getting more expensive. I think about it now, and I feel like its not a very good decision to go. But then I think about next semester and I kinda just want to go and not come back. I miss the culture.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

i need to stop being a dumbass.


fuck. fuck. fuck.

fuck. school.
i wish i was smart.

i used to be smart. when i was little.

what the fuck happened.

Friday, November 6, 2009

i need to start studying earlier for exams.

i just started to slightly understand 380 before my exam yesterday. another day or two and i would have been fine probably.

fuck 241. it can suck nuts.

i need to begin reading. not even funny.

fuck. fuck. fuck.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Wintertime HK Love

Flight - $1068USD
Housing - $120USD

I'm going to do this.

I fucking deserve it.

I feel like going is unnecessary though. I need have a reason to go, some sort of goal to accomplish. I will start looking at summer jobs and try to get an interview. Jay sent me some really good information. Its improbably but not impossible.

But whatever happens in the future, I need to FINISH my engineering degree. Just do it. Its not going to be that bad. Its never that bad. =)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

I am going to apply for internships in HK.

I know I am not going to get it. I'm a engineering major applying for a finance position in a business world. But I think that part of it gives me hope.

I need to figure out whether I want to go to HK for winter break or what. If I go, I need to figure out where I am going to stay, what I am going to do.
i should have been a business major.

i suck at engineering.

so bad.

fuck. engineering.

my dad said something interesting the other day when i told him my goal in life was to win the lottery. i have never bought a single ticket in my life. he told me that buying lottery tickets doesn't increase your chance of winning, you are never going to win. It just increases your hope in life.

i need to start buying lottery tickets.

Monday, October 26, 2009

I suddenly remembered the security guard who sat under the stairs in Hall2 and always ate noodles from seafront cafe. He used to live in Boston. I remember he came up to talk to me the first day I was at UST and sitting by the ocean eating my roast duck.

I used to talk to him alot. I don't think I ever said goodbye to him.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Its always the few days before an exam when I reminisce about Hong Kong...


RennFest was excellent this year. I love the nerdiness of it all. It is just awesome. Steak on a Stake was our favorite staple. Gary and I each had two of them. The hot apple cider w/ cinnamon was delicious. I need to start getting apple cider when it gets colder here.

We watched the sword swallower, it was the same guy as last year but he shaved his head. Still funny as always. We watched them make some bronze pendants, and other random things. Drench a Wench was something we could both have watched all day. The ppl who work that booth are just hilarious.

Jousting was awesome of course. Jousting and a turkey leg = greatness. There was the one knight who got knocked off his horse twice! I actually got a video of it. He probably drew the short straw at the beginning of the day haha.

Dark chocolate covered cheesecake was a MUST. So amazing/delicious/awesome. Its my once a year heart attack food. =]

Alas, we had to leave and go back to the real world. Now I am back at school. I've cleaned/organized my room and ready to start studying... exam on monday, exam on thursday, exam next thursday... it never really ends.

The Hinman Gala last night was alot more fun than I anticipated. Its part because we had a good group at our table. =]

My brain hurts with the thought of studying.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

This week somewhat flew by. I feel like there was alot of stuff that I should have done but I cannot remember what it is.

RennFest this weekend! I am super excited for this.

Other than that, there is so much studying and homework to do its not even funny. Shiaaat.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Time flies... when you are swamped with schoolwork.

It has been a really long time since I last wrote in this thing. School has been kicking my ass for the past month. I've been doing surprisingly well handling all of my homework/studying so far. Its halfway through though and time to kick it up a notch.

I think I have found my new study location. Stamp! The library (McKeldin) its terrible to study at. Its almost like an overcrowded jail. The Egr library is slightly better since it has some windows. Chem lib which was my favorite freshman year is also suffocating now. I miss my gorgeous view of the ocean from the UST library haha! Stamp isn't so bad. Its not too overcrowded and so far I have been able to find a seat every time I come.

I feel like I have been working my ass off every day for the past month just to have a half or whole day on the weekend to go out. Its kinda depressing on the weekends when I realize there are days when I don't even leave my apartment all day. I think I need to learn to be more efficient about work so that I can squeeze a little more time out to really play. The busier I get the more I think about the relaxing time I had last semester haha!

I've had a surprisingly large amount of people come talk to me about UST. People I probably have only met once or twice. Or even just random people who have friends who know me and heard that I went. Part of me really needs to go back to HK this winter. But then the realistic part of me says that buying a plane ticket to go there for two or three weeks is ridiculous. I could be working, making money, or taking class here. Maybe I will go to Vancouver this winter break. I dunno, it seems a little too far north lol. Its cold enough here as it is. Part of me also doesn't want to go to HK in the winter because I'm not a big fan of the cold. Bah. This will take some pondering. Damn plane tickets are so expensive.

I've started to leave my iPod touch in my room when I go to class. It has proven to be a huge distraction during my longer classes, especially 241 and 380. I got away with it last semester but its just not going to work here. The profs go so fast and cover so much material in one lecture. I gotta keep up with this or I will be screwed.

This week = not enough sleep. I've been getting 7+ hours of sleep each night since January. Life is great when I get enough sleep. Its been gradually dwindling as the semester progresses. I am taking advantage of McDonalds coffee now. I had two cups earlier this afternoon when I was at stamp, saved my cup and got another free refill.

Cooking this semester has been alot easier than I expected it to be. I've done alot of pasta, sandwiches, and curry. YP sent me curry from Singapore and I made the Indian curry last week. It was delicious! I can't believe how easy it was! I am going to make more in two weeks. Next week I am going to make tacos. I bought seasoning from Safeway yesterday. I never got a chance to make Peking duck like I wanted to last month. Maybe I'll try it over Thanksgiving Break.

Thanksgiving break... Hmm black friday! I don't have anything big I need to buy, but a new flashdrive would be nice. I always lose it over the summer when I take it off my keychain. =/

I've gone on a shopping spree this month. Or rather this past week. I bought a Longchamp Le Pliage bag. Something I told myself I would never do. But suddenly a few weeks ago I started to really love it. Weird? Yea. I wanted the bilberry color the moment I saw it but eventually decided on the navy color. Saks had their Friends and Family sale so I couldn't resist. =) Omfg. I bought Burberry rainboots cos they were on sale at Nordies. Ridiculous? Yea. I need to stop buying stuff. Luckily I think most of the big sales are over with this past weekend.

I want a DSLR.


Maybe thats what I will look into for Black Friday.

If I get one, I will have to make time each week to go out and take some photos. Hmmm that might be good.

I took on a project w/ SAIC. It seems pretty straightforward and at the end we should be getting $1k each. =] Money is always good.

I have a Asian American history exam tmrw. Its an essay exam and I already have the question so I just need to write an outline and I'll be done for that class for tonight. Still have 380 to understand.... 241 to understand.... math exams next week... shit. shit. shit. shit.


Commons gave out free juice boxes and snacks today. =)

Aite, time to finish up this outline and process some 380.

I need a brain upgrade.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

School is officially in session. Its been a whole two weeks since its started and its going well so far. This semester seemed dark during the summer because I am making up for alot of mistakes that I have made in the past. Math... matlab, 241... But now that it has started, I feel more motivated to get through it.

AAST is alot of reading. Alot. of. reading. I haven't read for a long time and this might be a good change. I have to keep up with it though or else it will become overwhelming.

Math is math. Professors seem better this time around. Can't argue much about that. There are no excuses this time. Gotta do well.

For some reason I am cooking alot more this semester. Its definitely a good thing and I have been eating alot of fruit. Its good to see that the habits I made this summer are still in place. Cooking really saves alot of money opposed to going out to eat. I've lost the interest in going out to eat anyways. I don't enjoy the food anymore. Although every once in a while I will endulge myself. Although I save alot of money by cooking, when I go out, it is freaking expensive. Gary and I went to Texas de Brazil last week. They had a 50% off promotion going on so it was totally worth it. But seriously, that place is expensive. I love goat cheese now.

I bought alot of stuff last week. LV zippy wallet, RM black ostrich Nikki, and most importantly my new Eee 1005HA PU1x. =]

I'm going to try to keep the netbook as a "work-only" machine. My dv5000 is still running strong altho the screen issues drive me nuts. Don't plan on moving that around for a while.

I have a whole book to read for AAST.... I'm going to get on that.

Friday, August 28, 2009

This semester is going to blow.

Bring it.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

viiiiiiiiiiiirrrrginia beach! =D

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Today is day 3 of p90x. I started on Saturday with Chest & Back. Sunday was Plyometrics which is intenseeee. More than I expected. I died after about 40 minutes. I sorta kinda did ab x with jon yesterday. Today was shoulders and arms and a real round of ab x. Tmrw is Yoga altho I heard it is quite intense.

Bring it. =D

Early sleep tonight. Not enough sleep for the past two nights. Eyes have been burning all day at work. Or maybe its pink eye? I hope not. =]

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sunday, August 2, 2009

I went to work today.

Today is Saturday.

There was no air conditioning lol. Epic fail.

Gary and I went to the asian festival in reston. Not so interesting. We hit up Carrabas for dinner which was really good. Our waitress was funny.

We went to Tysons afterwards. I haven't been to Tysons at all since coing back. Nothing really new there. Its still the same old stuff. Didn't buy anything.

Came home to be yelled at by the mother. Don't know what crawled up her ass and died today. She has this annoying thing going now where she says "so?" to everything I say. Thank god for work on Monday.

Monday, July 27, 2009

i got my ass kicked in BodyWorks class today.

I am going to be so sore tmrw.

I had the greatest breakfast in america today. It was toast with butter and pork floss.

it was so good that i almost thought i was in hong kong while i was eating it.

Jon's birthday party was fun. I need to knock some sense into that boy this week.

Gym gym everyday! =] I like this.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I cooked salmon, tilapia, and chicken for lunch this week.

$10 for one whole weeks worth of lunch. This is good. I need to do this more often.

I need to go to the gym starting next week. Must bring tennis shoes, towel, and other stuffs. =] Lets see how it goes.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

My toe is slowly healing. But it still looks uber gross.

I could sleep all day.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

"I knew after I left that we would not keep up our friendship"

Smart girl. Maybe I've misjudged her.

Still doesn't change the fact that she can be incredibly fake. But it redeems her a little in my book.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

yay new glasses today.

pjskidoos is delicious. filet mignon. amazing.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

I've changed my computer's time back to US Eastern time. 3.5 weeks after my arrival home.

It was starting to get annoying.

It also changed my iPod time which was annoying.

Lighthouse trip next week! =]

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Its past my bedtime.

July 4th was fun. Went to Baltimore, sat in traffic for two hours afterwards.

I gave maomao a bath today. it was hell. but i now have a clean cat.

work tmrw. yay.

what am i doing this weekend....

Friday, July 3, 2009

I still have not changed my computer clock back to US time yet....

Thursday, July 2, 2009

And the week ends early!

Veggie burger for lunch. No work tmrw b/c of July 4th... even tho tmrw is July 3rd. Hey, I'm not complaining, I get a paid day off haha. Housing stipend is coming in next week. $3,300. Its $900 more than last year. Sweet deal.

I got off work early today. There was absolutely no traffic at 1pm. Apparently all the ppl decided to not go to work today. Smart move. I got to Rockville by 2pm and so I decided to find the bo lo bao place that was advertised in the newspaper.

It was not up to par.

At all.

Then I decided to hit up the two Chinese grocery stores nearby. It was really sad walking through them and looking at the dusty shelves. The dan tat was at least a day old, probably more. The cheung fun was sparsely sprinkled with ha mai and also looked a little sad in its box.

It also occured to me that maxim had more dead fish than live fish to sell.

I went to Kam San only to find the same thing. I gave up and went to Rio to walk around before my eye appt. Nothing too interesting there.

I bought a set of weights yesterday at Modells. I hit my head with them last night.

Eye exam: nothing changed. Going to order glasses at Costco this weekend. I can't believe I lost my glasses on the plane. Oh well, no big. I've had those glasses for almost five years now. Its time for a new pair.

The weekend: probably cp. probably bbq. must eat.

I hunger. I will eat soon.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


listening to eason chan in my car as i go 120kmh to work every day.

for some reason i always felt like the mini bus and the bus drive very fast. it was because i didn't really understand the conversion btwn mph and kmh. now that i compare, i realize that they actually drive very slow. its the impression that they drive fast because the roads are smaller. the fastest i've gone on a mini bus is about 75-80kmh. ironicallly, i drive at over 100kmh usually haha.... -____-

i was looking at pictures of UST yesterday... it feels like ages since i walked the footbridges to class.

i miss the food. i attempted to have siu mai today. cannot compare. omg. then i tried to have bubble tea... i paid 38hkd for it only to taste a watery bland sugar water. i am disspointed. i will have to learn to make my own milk tea.

i will learn to make sui mai.

and ha gao.

and cha siu.

and siu ap.


i'm bringing like 10 pounds of fruit to work tmrw to eat throughout the week. serious diet time. i am buying a wii fit this week. i need to start running. bringing sneakers and stuff to jessie's place.

diet. diet. diet.

work tmrw. Gotta get up at 5am...


Sunday, June 21, 2009

Home isn't any different from when I left it.  In fact, nothing at home has changed.  Everything is still in the same place I left it.  The people are still the same.  The places are still the same. 

Its comforting.

Hong Kong seems like it was a dream. 

Saturday, June 6, 2009


For the first time in my life, I have gotten straight C's. Its totally awesome because when I go home, nobody will ever know by looking at my transcript. I honestly didn't even put enough work in this semester to deserve all C's. I definitely deserved to fail at least one of my classes. Elec210 was one of them. Stat and probability for EE... I will be auditing the class in fall when I go home. I'm not sure why he passed me because he really should not have.  Thank you bert shi.  I am auditing stat next semester at home because I know i didn't pay attn in your class at all.  And i'm sorry for that. HK was just too damn fun.  

I put about one week of hard studying into this whole semester. While this would have allowed me to pass a core class at home, I somehow managed to scrape up a pass for two elec courses, a sosc, and a mgto class.

Its time to go home. Its time to work hard. I'll be back again someday to play.

Since moving home...

The past few days have gone by so quickly. :(

Monday was spent recovering from the two nights out.  Got up at around noon. Went exploring with Mav and Kurt.  Ate Peking duck at TST with Kurt and Eugene.  The food was not up to par lol.  But it was fun hanging out with people.  We ran around the Penninsula afterwards taking pictures in the hotel -__-"

Tuesday was spent exploring more of HK I think. Went to explore with Kurt in Fanling and Sheung Shui.  There were a few temples in Fanling but nothing really interesting.  Sheung Shui was better and we were rewarded with a food market.  The third level had a food court and I got cheung fun for $5.  God I love food. After that we ran around the streets nearby.  There was lots of fun stuff to look at.

Wednesday was free museum day! Ate at Yoshinoya with Mav and had beef and rice.  So delicious.  Mav's gf and Kurt came by later and we hit up the museums.  We found Kiwing in the MTR station and took him along too.  Hit up the space museum first, and then the art museum.  There was a Louis Vuitton exhibit that we went to see.  Didn't really understand any of the artsy stuff but it was cool to say that we went anyways.  The science museum was fun too.  Afterwards kurt and I headed to Kowloon Bay where we met up with Todd and YP.  There was some delicious food at Ngau Tau Kok that we tried.  Not long after, Jay and Alex came and then we headed to the restaurant to eat.  It was a farewell dinner for Kurt since he was leaving the next morning.  Heading back to the somewhat glamorous US of A.  After dinner, Kurt, Jay, Alex, and I went to Sai Kung to have Honeymoon Dessert.  I had Strawberry Sai Mai Lo and a Mango Milk thing.  Damn delicious. 

I love food. 

Kurt failed to buy his honeymoon dessert t-shirt. And we went back to school. 

The rest of the night was spent talking and packing.  YP and I moved out by noon.  I had to call the parentals to help me with my junk.  Before they came I had one last delicious breakfast at LG1.  My porkchop with instant noodles.  

After moving home, I have become lethargic.  I went out to eat with the parents and then spent the rest of the night sorting through clothes and stuff.  

I had to share a bed with mom that night because dad was using the other room for his day trading.  What horrendous sleep.  I felt like I was trapped. Kept waking up every half an hour confused.  Got up at noon and then went to Wan Chai Immigration Office to get my Visa extended.  I dropped off my form and was told to come back by 4:30.  So I went off to eat something delicious.  I looked around for a good cha chan tang to eat at but didn't see anything that I was really drawn to.  I ate a dan tat and kept walking.  Was going to wait until 2/2:30 so that I could get ha mm cha but then I saw a Pizza hut and decided to try hk pizza.  $35hkd got me a coke, soup, garlic bread, and a personal pizza.  Not bad! =]  Not long after that I saw the australian dairy and i had a chocolate err milk thing.  delicious! =]  Went back to the immigration office by 4:30, waited until 5:30, only to be told that I would have to come back next week because they can't extend my visa yet -__-" 

Had dinner at Tai Koo Shing with a friend and wandered around HK island some more.  Had some gai dan zhai and walked into alot of supermarkets hahahaha.  

Today.... Got up damn late again. Had duck with the parents and then Dad went off with his friend.  I took mom to Heng Fa Chuen. Wasn't much there and then I took her to Kowloon Bay to have to dai pai dong food before they tore it down.  We had dau jurng, gai dan zhai, waffle thing, and quail eggs.  We walked back to the MTR and took the bus to Megabox.  Megabox isn't all that it was hyped up to be.  Yea, its 17 levels, but I feel like there wasn't much inside.  

Afterwards, headed to Sham Shui Po to the computer center.  I picked up a static stylus for my ipod touch and a multicharge cable that takes psp,ds,mini usb, gba, and ipod. Was looking for a mouse but then I fell in love with the Microsoft Arc mouse.  I really want to get it now -__-" $399hkd was the cheapest that I saw... maybe I will get it...

Went to Mong Kok to wander around Argyle center.  Didn't buy anything but it was good to just walk around after eating all afternoon.  Came back to HK island and ate beef spicy noodle at Pau Toi Shan. Err fortress hill. =P Damn delicious.  

Sleep time.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Play all night!

I slept at 7am this morning.  Again.

Somehow got up at around noon and stumbled towards the atrium to eat.  I was going to just get mcdonalds and head back to the room to eat with the air con on but I ended up on the 792m bus to sai kung.  they had the best pineapple bun EVER.  I will be going back again. Very soon. haha. They had fresh trays of pineapple bun come out every 10 minutes.  I got one and sat down only to get up five minutes later to get another one.  I also got a portugese tart which was delicious.  

I could have eaten more but I already had plans for the night. I headed back to UST and went out to Causeway bay. We had Japanese lai mien which was totally amazing. Ended up running around hk island for most of the night and playing on playgrounds in victoria park. The park is actually huge and its got a running track and alot of random play areas.  Surprisingly this is the first time I have gone -___- 

As a result, I have a million insect bites on my feet which were not covered.  I also have this cluster on my arm which looks like I have the plague or something.  

So itchy.  

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Saturday Night

I slept at 7am this morning.

The last day of finals was yesterday and the EE kid finished their math150 exam in the afternoon.  We met up at McDonalds to mess around for a while and then Mav, Alex, Tony, and I headed to the halls to help pack.  Tony's hall was surprisingly small.  Its about half the size of the room in HallIV with two people living in it... The beds were bunked and the desks were next to each other.  I thought that I could live in a small space, but that was really too small even for me for two ppl.  After we headed towards Alex's hall and I promptly KOed on the bed while Alex packed for home.  By then it was close to 7 and we headed towards the atrium to meet with yp and todd.  We went to Hon Wo in MK for krn bbq.  At MK we met up with Tai Hung who i have not seen regularly for the past three months.  Everybody was just so much happier now that exams and the semester was over.    

The beef was delicious.  Mav and I went insane eating the beef.  We ate so much.  Afterwards, I still had two bowls of chocolate ice cream and a bowl of dau fu fa... Damn nice.

We took some retarded pictures in the streets of MK.  Afterwards we wandered around for a bit and then decided to head towards TST to hang around Victoria Harbor.  We bought some beer at the 7/11 nearby and went to sit down.  I bought this drink called Diamond Black which was a black currant wine cooler.  It tasted exactly like carbonated Ribena! =D

We loitered there for a good two hours until it was about 2:30.  Then we went back to MK and Mav took the minibus home.  We decided to walk Tai Hung back to Cheung Sha Wan.  By the time we got there it was about 5am.  We sat down and a cha chan tang to eat some stuff.  I was still damn full from the night before but the noodles looked really good.

We didn't get back home until 7am upon which I promptly KOed and slept until 12. 

After getting up, spent some time getting oriented and then headed off to eat lunch.  I was originally going to go to McDonalds and eat something random but somehow I ended up on the minibus to Sai Kung.  I walked around for a bit and didn't see anything on the afternoon tea menus that looked all that great.  I was about to give up and head back to the place where I always get breakfast when I walked past the most amazing place on earth.  It was a bakery and they had fresh pinapple bun.  It was straight from the oven.  I thought that nothing could beat the bakery at school at 8am but I was clearly wrong.  This bakery puts every other bakery that makes pineapple bun to shame!  It was SO GOOD.  I burned my hand on it twice because it was so hot... and because I ate two... and then I bought a portugese tart which was also fresh out of the oven and burned my entire mouth.  It was so good. Omg. 

They had some events going on in the town center today.  There was some tai chi and dance performances along with some booths for kids to play at.  I took the 792m back to school and am going out for dinner in a bit.  

Friday, May 29, 2009

Tai Po Adventures

Went to Tai Po today to visit the Kadoorie Farm and Botanical Gardens.  I actually woke up quite late and had a late breakfast at LG1 with Kurt and his friend.  Didn't leave school until past noon though.  I took the MTR to Tai Po Market and then 64K towards Yuen Long West.  I wasn't really sure where to get off and I passed this little place that seemed to be interesting.  I hopped off the bus at the next stop and walked back.  It turns out that is where the Wishing Tree is.   Some old lady came up to me and asked me if I wanted to write down my wishes and pray and what.  At first I said no cos I didn't want to buy the paper but then I figured it was only $5hkd each and I may as well have some fun with it.  It wasn't until after I bought the paper and wrote down my wishes that the lady told me I had to buy the insense to go with it which was $60hkd each... So handing her $120hkd, I followed her as she showed me how to do the prayer.  She then had another lady do the second one and told me to tip her.  I handed the lady another $20.  These wishes better come true.  I just paid $20USD for it lol.  

Afterwards, I realized that I had not yet gone far enough to reach the Kadoorie farm so I hopped back on the bus and kept going.  I actually missed the stop but I figured the stops before that were quite close together so I would be able to walk back from the next stop.  It turns out that the next stop damn far away at the bottom of the windy hill.  I somehow made it back up alive and paid my $10hkd to get into the farm.  There were reptiles, birds, and lots of plants there.  I was much surprised to see Davin and his roommate there as well. I mean, of all places to see somebody, you would not expect it to be on a mountain, in a park, in between Tai Po and Yuen Long.  

There was an aviary with alot of Black Kites and various species of owls.  Most were injured somehow and rehabilitated here.  They are permanent residents of the aviary because they are not able to be reintroduced to the wild.  

We tried to walk to the top where there was a Kun Yum temple but we did not make it there before the park closed.  The park was alot bigger than I expected it to be and there were alot of small trails to the side with gorgeous scenery.  Mosquitoes were killer though.

Took the 64k back to Tai Po Market MTR and then headed towards Mong Kok for a night of shopping... bought three pairs of shoes -___-" and lots of gifts for people at home. My hand hurt from carrying stuff back to hall. 

Packed as much as I could into a suitcase.  Will have to bring this home to Tai Koo and switch it out for an empty luggage.  Its going to be interesting.... 

Thursday, May 28, 2009


The elec kiddies have to study today and have exam tmrw.

As a result, I'm left alone to wander HK.

Normally I would have been fine with this.  I love exploring on my own.  But somehow, I feel like I need to be with people now.  I don't like the thought of going off by myself.

Choi Hung to donate clothing and then off to an unknown place! =D


Got up damn early this morning and headed out to Sha Tin to meet Maverick.  I had some random bread things for breakfast.  There weren't that many people at 9 but it started getting really croweded by 10.  UST had a few teams there but nobody responded to our UST cheers.  -__-"

  There was a park at the top of the mall and we were being retarded for a while.  There is also a Snoopy World right outside the mall.  Went to have dim sum nearby in the Sha Tin town center and then walked around the mall for a while.  Its interesting to see what other people usually order during dim sum.  My family usually eats the same few things when we go.  Mav ordered fried shrimp wonton and err a chinese pizza like thing.  It was sweet and damn nice.  We also ordered the rice thing for the festival today but he made me eat it all b/c he doesn't like rice. -__-"

After that we called up YP and headed over to MK to meet her.  We hung around Happy Lemon for a damn long time and loitered in Argyle Center.  After that we went to find some street food.  I had stinky tofu, cheese sausage, a damn big cup of bubble tea, and some uhh custard/red bean things.  I love mk food.  Its the greatest stuff ever.  The cheese sausage was deep fried. Omg so good.  

After that, we spotted a giant Lucozade bottle.  It was for a promotion that they were doing around MK earlier that day.  They were giving out free drinks and what.  They had run out by the time we saw them but we followed the giant bottle back to the truck it came from.  We were in awe at the Lucozade truck and took a billion of pictures.  The driver of the truck thought we were probably INSANE.  He kept giving us this funny look and we kept laughing our asses off every time he looked at us.  After about 15 minutes of loitering around his truck we gathered up the courage to ask him to take a picture with us.  For some reason, Mav and I pretended that we were both from the US.  I spoke to the driver in canto and Mav spoke in english.  I'm pretty sure the poor guy thinks US kids are retarded now.  Which is partially true.  But it resulted in us getting this awesome picture.  

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

When we don't have exams....

Yesterday: Sai Kung for bfast. Went to the same place that I had bfast before wargames last month. Got the ham sandwich with oatmeal and amazing milk tea.  There was so much food I actually couldn't finish it.  I walked around Sai Kung for a short period and then took 792M to TKO.  I never really walked arount tseung kwun o before but I guess I wasn't missing out on much.  There wasn't much there and I ended up taking 792M back to school.  By then it was afternoon and I didn't really have any other plans.  I spent the afternoon and evening in Barn A with Kiwing and Alex.  My original plan was to do my chinese workbook but I ended up watching Origins of Wolverine instead.  The movie was okay, not great but it was the much needed filler for the story line.  Kurt and I were going to go out after dinner but we ended up hanging out at LG1 w/ Alex and YP until 9pm and decided to head to bed early and go out early the next day.

Today: Got up at 8am and met up with Kurt by 8:30 to go out.  We took the mini bus to Choi Hung and I brought him to the dai pai dong to eat.  We had sui mai and cha sui churng fun.  Deliciousness.  

After that, we took the MTR to the brown line all the way down to the end at Wu Kai Sha.  From there, we started to walk up the brown line.  Ma On Shan has this really pretty pier that we hung out at for a good 20 minutes.  We saw this old guy catch a mini fish.  It was pretty funny cos he turned to us and goes "BIG FISH!" 

There were people swimming really far out in the ocean.  It was quite cool to seem them all out there.  We reluctantly continued on our journey and walked thru MOS town center.  They have a freaking water park.  It looks super cool but it was closed :(.  I bought a steaming hot dan tat and we continued on our way.  Kurt got a kick out of the bicycle roundabout so we took some pictures with it.  Apparently Mav lives right next to it!

We walked to Shek Mun then got distracted by a sign that pointed to Tai Po.  We crossed a bridge and headed up the KCR line.  As we crossed, we noticed a colorful building on the hill. 

The bicycle paths were really nice.  I want to go cycling here before I leave.  As we walked, we got closer and closer to the colorful building. 

We were headed towards Tai Po when we decided to suddenly cross the road and pursue our dreams of finding out what this building was.  Leaving the bike path, we went through alot of subways and crossed a few highways.  Thats when we ended up at....

Surprisingly we ended up at CUHK.  Realizing that the colorful building was on the campus, we set off to find out exactly what it was.  The campus was on a hill like UST and we didn't really know which way to go so we started to wander around.  We took several sketchy flights of stairs behind some buildings and got closer and closer... you can see our progress from the photos lol. 

When we finally got to the top of the hill, we climbed a set of side stairs and ended up at LG3 of the building.  Not really knowing what else to do, we got in the lift in front of us and as the doors closed, I realized we needed an access card to go to all floors.  I seriously thought we were going to be stuck in the elevator for a long time because none of the buttons were responding.  Luckily just a second later, a lady got in the elevator and we followed her up to the ground floor.  She realized we had no idea what we were doing and explained to us that we were in a laboratory buiding and we would not be able to go anywhere.  With that, we left the pretty colorful building behind and took a super high footbridge to the 9th floor of the engineering building.  We also got a nice view of the building we had been pursuing for the past hour and a half.

Thus concludes our adventures of CUHK.  There was alot more to campus that we did not explore but the rain was starting up again and we had not really eaten anything since breakfast.  We got down to the MTR station again and sat down at Maxim for a late lunch.  

I had curry beef brisket with rice and iced milk tea.  I love milk tea.  So delicious.  Kurt went off to Shenzhen after that to pick up his suit and I met up with Mav since he finished his exam.  We went to Sha Tin and wandered around the mall for a bit.  Mav got noodles and I finally got to try these crepes that I have been staring at for the past few months.  Damn nice.  It was peach, cream, and ice cream.  Sooo good.  Mav inhaled his noodles within five minutes and then we went wandering the mall for a bit.  

We somehow ended up eating ice cream again at mcdonalds.  Green tea red bean sundae is absolutely delicious.  I forgot to get a picture of it thought -__-" No worries, I will have it again soon.  Very soon. =P  Took a bus back to ust.  Had dinner w/ Alex at seafront.  Tmrw I have my Sosc166 exam in the evening.  Hopefully I will finish early and be able to go out afterwards.  I don't know what my plans are for the morning yet.  Most likely breakfast at Sai Kung or something else delicious.  ^___^

Friday, May 22, 2009

I'm Done!

...with the exception of that tiny exam next week.  Tmrw I am going to Wong Tai Sin with YP for breakfast at a dai pai dong.  The guys taking 102 will be done around lunch so maybe I will come back for lunch with them or I might head down to Mong Kok to finally get my hair cut.  My hair has needed cutting since last month but I never got around to it.  It seems to be tradition though, finish the 210 exam and then get it cut haha.  

I can't wait to play! I need to start planning out my days and make the most out of them! Tmrw is Li Xiang's farewell dinner at a sushi buffet that is only 4xhkd.  Its recommended by the local kids so it must be really good!

I'm super excited to spend the next 11 days hanging out here in UST.  I have to move out of hall on the 4th of June.  I cleaned up some of my stuff today in the room.  I have already packed my suitcase and its full.  Sadly, I haven't packed any of my clothes or random things in the room.  It is mostly stuff that I am not using and winter clothes that I brought with me.  I'll bring it home sometime this week an empty it and bring back an empty suitcase to fill up again haha.  

I also have some stuff to bring to Choi Hung to donate. Okay I have alot of stuff. Like stuff that my aunt bought me that I will never wear.  And clothes that I wore once and then they shrunk two sizes in the dryer the first time I did laundry.  

Make the day the most it can be. Keep busy.  Don't think about the fact that each second that passes is one second closer to leaving.  The more I do, the slower time will pass. 

Thursday, May 21, 2009


210 Exam trmw! After that its time to enjoy what time I have left here.

A call home to work last night jerked me back to reality.  I had completely forgotten about work since I got here.  I totally forgot that invisible and incredibly short leash I am on.  Now that I have been reminded of it, just the thought is suffocating.  

It makes me want to stay here just a little longer in this paradise.  Blissfully ignorant of the future. 

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

After 152, Alex, Kiwing, and I went to Sai Kung for lunch. Thai food is delicious.  It was next to the stall that we got sui mai the other day.  Sauntered back to school by 2:30.  With 2 hours to kill, I headed over to barn A to start looking at mgto notes.  I didn't do a very good job at it because after about 30 min, I had a food coma and promptly passed out in front of the computer.  Tai Hung was there and pulled up the screenshots of the computer barns and downloaded the picture of me KOed by my computer.

I haven't gotten any studying done after blowing off the mgto exam.  I flew thru the exam in about 35 minutes not bothering to think about the answer for any of the questions.  Alot of the fill in the blanks were stuffed with some random word i found somewhere else in the exam.  The class doesn't map back to cp as anything other than an elective that i don't need.  I used my time wisely and studied for 152 instead which I think was a wise move. 

After mgto, I decided to treat myself to a delicious and filling dinner that I have not had for a few days now.  Noodles at seafront are always good.  It has been quite a while since I have had them. 

I have to figure out what I am going to do starting 7:30pm on Friday.  I will officially be done with any and all studying for the year.  I am thinking maybe a MK/TZ trip that evening w/ yp.  Then Saturday there is some history tour thing that I may join since most people are still taking exams.  Or I should probably start bringing some of my junk in this room home... -__-"  I also need to bring alot of the stuff to Choi Hung to donate since there is alot of stuff my aunt bought me that I am never going to wear.... 

I can't wait to be freeeeeee again! =D

My Last First Final Exam in HK

Elec152 is over. It was not pretty. I didn't know how to do number 8. That was my bad cos I didn't study that portion. I don't really remember going over it in class but oh well. Luckily I did the L2 hw yesterday which helped greatly on problem 5. It was essentially a homework problem but with a four block word instead of one block. Questions 1-3 were expected altho not really helpful towards my grade. I'm not gonna lie tho, number 9 was pure bullshit. He asked us to redraw the damn diagram. I really expected him to at least give us the diagram and then give us some problem using the diagram. That was what the homework was based on and that was what the TAs had stressed during those days that we questioned them. But really, all he wanted was for us to regurgitate a drawing for him... the part that disturbs me is that it was worth 30%. Seriously... I think that the other problems should have been worth more if just memorizing some lines names is worth 30% of a final exam. At most problem 9 should have been 8-10% of the final. I cannot believe this nonsense.

Oh well its over now. Hopefully I won't have to retake this course back home. If I do, well that sucks but I guess it won't be too bad. I sort of deserve it for not knowing that damn diagram.

Went to Sai Kung with Kiwing and Alex after the exam. We had Thai food which was delicious. Will upload pictures later tonight or tmrw. Back now and in Barn A studying for mgto which is in an hour. I haven't even opened the mgto book since the midterm. I think in this whole semester, I only opened that book once to read before the midterm. I was going to read it today but I decided it was too heavy to carry out since I knew I was going out for lunch. I'm really getting lazy. Oh well. I am reading the lecture notes for the class now. Its not really helpful because I feel like all of this is common sense.

After the mgto exam, probably eat a good fattening meal and then go back to the room to pass out for a bit. Gotta get up later tonight and start on 210. 210 is seriously going to be a problem. The final exam is worth 55% of the final grade... which really is quite a bit.

After 210, I'm finally free. Soscy is on the 27th but there isn't much I can do for that. I'm looking forward to exploring the rest of HK before I leave.

I'm going to be so sad to leave. There is so much I haven't done yet. There are still so many people to hang out with. There is just too little freaking time.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Its here.

Three hours before the first final exam... 152 was fun. I regret not paying attention in class.  The material in the class was really quite interesting.  I just was distracted by other things during my stay.  I think I would have really enjoyed taking this class in cp.  Well, all is done now.   Up at 5:30am for some last minute review and then to take exam...

Its going to be a long day. I have a second exam at 4:30pm too... Its mgto and I have not yet cracked open the book for that course.  I might review between the exams, but not before a delicious meal to make up for having to get up so freaking early.

Monday, May 18, 2009


One semi-productive day of studying.

One more day, and then exams commence.  

Had a delicious panini sandwhich from the cafe for dinner. 
We took retarded screenshots of ourselves working in Barn A today....

Exams are getting closer.  The end of exams is getting closer. =D

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Friday, exams will be over.  I will be going out everyday.  Technically I have an exam on the 27th but I will not be worrying about it.  I feel like I have not been out in HK for a long time.  I need to go explore places like Ma On Shan, Tai Po Market, CUHK... there are still so many things I have not done.  Time is starting to run out.  

I'm beginning to feel desperation not from exams, but from the thought of needing to leave this place soon.  I am going to miss it.  It will be a while before I get the chance to come back.  Air tickets are so expensive and I need to see how classes and winter/summer break 2010 turn out.  Ideally I want to be back next summer... Its a long time but at least there is something great to look forward to.  

I'm terrified of just getting up and leaving everything behind. 
I fixed the aircon by banging on the side three times. 

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Squid Fishing

Spent the morning in the library yesterday, not very productive.  Gave up around 4pm and decided to head down to Sai Kung early to have a walk.  I haven't been to the Sai Kung town center since the beginning of April when I went to play war games.  They had some decorations this time and there were some primary school students doing some sort of play inside the stage set.  

I ended up buying two shirts there for really cheap.  Then I went to have dau fu fa and tong yuun at a place called Just-A-Dessert.  I've had it before and its really good. 

 I saw a guys fishing from the sidewalk and he caught a two foot long eel.  It was pretty scary. The thing had a huge mouth and the guy was screaming at people to stay back because it would bite.

 Met up with YP, Todd, Li Xiang, Desmond and company.  The boat was really damn cool.  We got on the upper deck which was open and a nice view.  The ride out to sea was only about twenty minutes but we got plenty of retarded pictures in during that time.  After we stopped, the boat turned on the lights and we grabbed our gear to start squid fishing!  Surprisingly we did not need to use any bait.  It was simply a line with a jig that was white in color.  The color and the light from the boat is enough to attract a bunch of squid.  

The squid itself was only about three or four inches in length.  The first one I got squirted a bunch of ink in the water when I hooked it.  It then proceeded to squirt some more ink on my hand as I tried to free it from the hook.  Its really very pretty and I felt really bad after I caught it.  I wanted to throw it back in the water but it was already too late... :(

Here is our result of 23 people fishing for four hours lol.  A small plate of squid with 23 mini squid on it.  Sadly, it was the boat owner's wife who probably caught half of them haha.  

It tasted really good!

After we alighted in Sai Kung again we came across an ice cream truck.  Phillip, Joe, and I were talking about the differences between American and HK ice cream trucks.  HK ice cream trucks are really damn delicious.  Even though they only have three or four different kinds of ice cream to serve, the creamy deliciousness is irresistable.