Monday, November 16, 2009

mmmmm =)

I have forgotten how delicious Starbucks' fresh brewed coffee is. Not the super flavored and sugared up lattes and fraps, but just plain hot brewed or iced coffee. Pike Place Roast is by far superior to McDonalds and ChikfilA coffee. I can't believe how delicious it is and that the last time I had it was sophomore year. At twice the price with no refills, it will be reserved for super studying occassions. Starbucks is a great place to study for engineering and math. There is free internet access and all of my study materials are offline anyways. It forces me to study since there is no other viable option to procrastinate.

That cup of coffee was so good.

There is this obnoxiously loud guy here though and he is letting everybody know about his problems with his family. He is just one of those people who are loud and don't have a clue. Thank god I brought earplugs or he would have drive me insane.

I need to get a new drivers license sometime this week. I need to get my passport or some other form of ID to get a new one. Maybe I will go home this weekend and get it.

241 exam comes back maybe today? If its anything like the way 380 is, I don't want it back. I'd rather just crawl under a boulder and die.

I need to get back into the habit of doing p90 at least every other day. It keeps me sane. Bring it! ^_^

Maybe I should bake something delicious this week after Wednesday. Lots of fun matlab due this week. Have to go get owned at office hours. SAIC project needs to be worked on. I am completely unfunctional if I get less than 7 hours of sleep each night. Its weird cos I totally survived through the first three years of college with random sleep. I dunno if I am doing better this year. I think too many classes with too little time. History paper to write this weekend -__-" I need to pick a topic before Wednesday. Need to get an A on this nonsense.

Holy god. 241 FTW. I actually did somewhat well on this exam. Incredible. I like this.

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