Sunday, June 28, 2009


listening to eason chan in my car as i go 120kmh to work every day.

for some reason i always felt like the mini bus and the bus drive very fast. it was because i didn't really understand the conversion btwn mph and kmh. now that i compare, i realize that they actually drive very slow. its the impression that they drive fast because the roads are smaller. the fastest i've gone on a mini bus is about 75-80kmh. ironicallly, i drive at over 100kmh usually haha.... -____-

i was looking at pictures of UST yesterday... it feels like ages since i walked the footbridges to class.

i miss the food. i attempted to have siu mai today. cannot compare. omg. then i tried to have bubble tea... i paid 38hkd for it only to taste a watery bland sugar water. i am disspointed. i will have to learn to make my own milk tea.

i will learn to make sui mai.

and ha gao.

and cha siu.

and siu ap.


i'm bringing like 10 pounds of fruit to work tmrw to eat throughout the week. serious diet time. i am buying a wii fit this week. i need to start running. bringing sneakers and stuff to jessie's place.

diet. diet. diet.

work tmrw. Gotta get up at 5am...


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