Tuesday, May 26, 2009

When we don't have exams....

Yesterday: Sai Kung for bfast. Went to the same place that I had bfast before wargames last month. Got the ham sandwich with oatmeal and amazing milk tea.  There was so much food I actually couldn't finish it.  I walked around Sai Kung for a short period and then took 792M to TKO.  I never really walked arount tseung kwun o before but I guess I wasn't missing out on much.  There wasn't much there and I ended up taking 792M back to school.  By then it was afternoon and I didn't really have any other plans.  I spent the afternoon and evening in Barn A with Kiwing and Alex.  My original plan was to do my chinese workbook but I ended up watching Origins of Wolverine instead.  The movie was okay, not great but it was the much needed filler for the story line.  Kurt and I were going to go out after dinner but we ended up hanging out at LG1 w/ Alex and YP until 9pm and decided to head to bed early and go out early the next day.

Today: Got up at 8am and met up with Kurt by 8:30 to go out.  We took the mini bus to Choi Hung and I brought him to the dai pai dong to eat.  We had sui mai and cha sui churng fun.  Deliciousness.  

After that, we took the MTR to the brown line all the way down to the end at Wu Kai Sha.  From there, we started to walk up the brown line.  Ma On Shan has this really pretty pier that we hung out at for a good 20 minutes.  We saw this old guy catch a mini fish.  It was pretty funny cos he turned to us and goes "BIG FISH!" 

There were people swimming really far out in the ocean.  It was quite cool to seem them all out there.  We reluctantly continued on our journey and walked thru MOS town center.  They have a freaking water park.  It looks super cool but it was closed :(.  I bought a steaming hot dan tat and we continued on our way.  Kurt got a kick out of the bicycle roundabout so we took some pictures with it.  Apparently Mav lives right next to it!

We walked to Shek Mun then got distracted by a sign that pointed to Tai Po.  We crossed a bridge and headed up the KCR line.  As we crossed, we noticed a colorful building on the hill. 

The bicycle paths were really nice.  I want to go cycling here before I leave.  As we walked, we got closer and closer to the colorful building. 

We were headed towards Tai Po when we decided to suddenly cross the road and pursue our dreams of finding out what this building was.  Leaving the bike path, we went through alot of subways and crossed a few highways.  Thats when we ended up at....

Surprisingly we ended up at CUHK.  Realizing that the colorful building was on the campus, we set off to find out exactly what it was.  The campus was on a hill like UST and we didn't really know which way to go so we started to wander around.  We took several sketchy flights of stairs behind some buildings and got closer and closer... you can see our progress from the photos lol. 

When we finally got to the top of the hill, we climbed a set of side stairs and ended up at LG3 of the building.  Not really knowing what else to do, we got in the lift in front of us and as the doors closed, I realized we needed an access card to go to all floors.  I seriously thought we were going to be stuck in the elevator for a long time because none of the buttons were responding.  Luckily just a second later, a lady got in the elevator and we followed her up to the ground floor.  She realized we had no idea what we were doing and explained to us that we were in a laboratory buiding and we would not be able to go anywhere.  With that, we left the pretty colorful building behind and took a super high footbridge to the 9th floor of the engineering building.  We also got a nice view of the building we had been pursuing for the past hour and a half.

Thus concludes our adventures of CUHK.  There was alot more to campus that we did not explore but the rain was starting up again and we had not really eaten anything since breakfast.  We got down to the MTR station again and sat down at Maxim for a late lunch.  

I had curry beef brisket with rice and iced milk tea.  I love milk tea.  So delicious.  Kurt went off to Shenzhen after that to pick up his suit and I met up with Mav since he finished his exam.  We went to Sha Tin and wandered around the mall for a bit.  Mav got noodles and I finally got to try these crepes that I have been staring at for the past few months.  Damn nice.  It was peach, cream, and ice cream.  Sooo good.  Mav inhaled his noodles within five minutes and then we went wandering the mall for a bit.  

We somehow ended up eating ice cream again at mcdonalds.  Green tea red bean sundae is absolutely delicious.  I forgot to get a picture of it thought -__-" No worries, I will have it again soon.  Very soon. =P  Took a bus back to ust.  Had dinner w/ Alex at seafront.  Tmrw I have my Sosc166 exam in the evening.  Hopefully I will finish early and be able to go out afterwards.  I don't know what my plans are for the morning yet.  Most likely breakfast at Sai Kung or something else delicious.  ^___^

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