Wednesday, May 20, 2009

After 152, Alex, Kiwing, and I went to Sai Kung for lunch. Thai food is delicious.  It was next to the stall that we got sui mai the other day.  Sauntered back to school by 2:30.  With 2 hours to kill, I headed over to barn A to start looking at mgto notes.  I didn't do a very good job at it because after about 30 min, I had a food coma and promptly passed out in front of the computer.  Tai Hung was there and pulled up the screenshots of the computer barns and downloaded the picture of me KOed by my computer.

I haven't gotten any studying done after blowing off the mgto exam.  I flew thru the exam in about 35 minutes not bothering to think about the answer for any of the questions.  Alot of the fill in the blanks were stuffed with some random word i found somewhere else in the exam.  The class doesn't map back to cp as anything other than an elective that i don't need.  I used my time wisely and studied for 152 instead which I think was a wise move. 

After mgto, I decided to treat myself to a delicious and filling dinner that I have not had for a few days now.  Noodles at seafront are always good.  It has been quite a while since I have had them. 

I have to figure out what I am going to do starting 7:30pm on Friday.  I will officially be done with any and all studying for the year.  I am thinking maybe a MK/TZ trip that evening w/ yp.  Then Saturday there is some history tour thing that I may join since most people are still taking exams.  Or I should probably start bringing some of my junk in this room home... -__-"  I also need to bring alot of the stuff to Choi Hung to donate since there is alot of stuff my aunt bought me that I am never going to wear.... 

I can't wait to be freeeeeee again! =D

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