Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My Last First Final Exam in HK

Elec152 is over. It was not pretty. I didn't know how to do number 8. That was my bad cos I didn't study that portion. I don't really remember going over it in class but oh well. Luckily I did the L2 hw yesterday which helped greatly on problem 5. It was essentially a homework problem but with a four block word instead of one block. Questions 1-3 were expected altho not really helpful towards my grade. I'm not gonna lie tho, number 9 was pure bullshit. He asked us to redraw the damn diagram. I really expected him to at least give us the diagram and then give us some problem using the diagram. That was what the homework was based on and that was what the TAs had stressed during those days that we questioned them. But really, all he wanted was for us to regurgitate a drawing for him... the part that disturbs me is that it was worth 30%. Seriously... I think that the other problems should have been worth more if just memorizing some lines names is worth 30% of a final exam. At most problem 9 should have been 8-10% of the final. I cannot believe this nonsense.

Oh well its over now. Hopefully I won't have to retake this course back home. If I do, well that sucks but I guess it won't be too bad. I sort of deserve it for not knowing that damn diagram.

Went to Sai Kung with Kiwing and Alex after the exam. We had Thai food which was delicious. Will upload pictures later tonight or tmrw. Back now and in Barn A studying for mgto which is in an hour. I haven't even opened the mgto book since the midterm. I think in this whole semester, I only opened that book once to read before the midterm. I was going to read it today but I decided it was too heavy to carry out since I knew I was going out for lunch. I'm really getting lazy. Oh well. I am reading the lecture notes for the class now. Its not really helpful because I feel like all of this is common sense.

After the mgto exam, probably eat a good fattening meal and then go back to the room to pass out for a bit. Gotta get up later tonight and start on 210. 210 is seriously going to be a problem. The final exam is worth 55% of the final grade... which really is quite a bit.

After 210, I'm finally free. Soscy is on the 27th but there isn't much I can do for that. I'm looking forward to exploring the rest of HK before I leave.

I'm going to be so sad to leave. There is so much I haven't done yet. There are still so many people to hang out with. There is just too little freaking time.

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