Tuesday, November 10, 2009


School frustrates me. I've had at least one exam every single week for the past 8 weeks. Whats going on with this nonsense. So annoying.

I wish I had more time to dedicate to my SAIC project. Its really interesting and I have alot of ideas for it, but so little time to do any of it.

I think its about now in the semester where I start to give up alot of sleep in order to get stuff done. Its terrible though because even now when I sleep at 1 and get up at 8, I am exhausted and ready to pass out by the time midnight rolls around. I don't know how I used to do it before. I gotta get back into that habit. That terrible habit.

I noticed that the keyboard on my Eee shows wear really quickly. I've had this thing for under two months now, using it abt two times a week for light typing in history class and I can already see the areas on the keyboard that are starting to get shiny. Funny b/c on my MS keyboard, I've used that thing for over three years now and it hasn't shown any sort of wear whatsoever. And I bang on that thing day and night. My HP laptop keyboard is pretty worn in although not the worst. It doesn't really bother me but I just found it kinda interesting. I wonder how MS's is designed to withstand so much more wear.

I need to memorize shit for tmrw's 241 exam... Its weird, engineering usually isn't memorization but I think that in this case, it might help me do better.

Four hours of sleep last night is not doing me any good. I could use a decent nap after dinner. And then hopefully that will keep me going for the rest of the night. Probably not going to three of my four morning classes again. 241 exam is at 2. Dinner at Matchbox though. At least there is something to look forward to. Marcus is leaving for Germany at the end of December! :( Sometimes I wish I could do the things that he does. But I am too chicken shit to even dare. And then, I need to keep up with 380 by reading the lecture notes this weekend. Math exam next week that I need to ace. I need to start understanding what the fuck is happening in 246.

Its week 11 of the semester. Only five more weeks left. Well four and a half. And then finals are here.

I think I need to get the hell out this weekend. Maybe I'll go wander DC. Or maybe I'll just leave early tmrw and do take a walk before dinner. Might be a better idea unless I decide to nap.

Plane tickets are getting more expensive. I think about it now, and I feel like its not a very good decision to go. But then I think about next semester and I kinda just want to go and not come back. I miss the culture.

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