Saturday, June 6, 2009


For the first time in my life, I have gotten straight C's. Its totally awesome because when I go home, nobody will ever know by looking at my transcript. I honestly didn't even put enough work in this semester to deserve all C's. I definitely deserved to fail at least one of my classes. Elec210 was one of them. Stat and probability for EE... I will be auditing the class in fall when I go home. I'm not sure why he passed me because he really should not have.  Thank you bert shi.  I am auditing stat next semester at home because I know i didn't pay attn in your class at all.  And i'm sorry for that. HK was just too damn fun.  

I put about one week of hard studying into this whole semester. While this would have allowed me to pass a core class at home, I somehow managed to scrape up a pass for two elec courses, a sosc, and a mgto class.

Its time to go home. Its time to work hard. I'll be back again someday to play.

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