Friday, May 8, 2009

Final stretch.

There is a somewhat satifying feeling to be sore after going to the gym. Its time to conquer 210. There is alot to cover and exactly two weeks until the exam. Then there is also 152 to study... Alot to do and not alot of time means that its really time to crackdown.

The final stretch has come upon us somewhat abruptly. Its a bit surprising because usually by this point at home I am already burned out from the whole semester and on the verge of giving up. This time though, I feel like I have just begun to study since the start of the semester. I was very motivated to study during the beginning of this week but not so much yesterday and wed. I decided to go out yesterday and take a break. Bought a few things and hopefully that should keep me busy for the next week.

I'll be in the computer barn or library tonight.

The semester is quickly coming to a close. I can't believe how fast it has blown by. There are so many things I wanted to do but did not get a chance. There are so many people I did not keep up with. Well, I end on the 22nd for my elec exams. I'll have about three weeks to play and do those things before heading back home.

Home stretch. Study hard, play harder later. Thus is the way of life at ust.

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