Sunday, May 3, 2009


So yesterday after I posted I decided to run AdAware and Spybot which I have not done for a while.  When I rebooted, my start menu and desktop wouldn't show up thanks to PremiumSearch.  TMD.  I spent the next two hours trying to fix it.  I gave up after a while and decided to use the public computer.  I got a little germaphobic after using it for a while and decided to try my luck at my laptop again.  I don't think I have completely fixed it yet but at least its to a point where I can do my damn hw.  

Had dinner at G/F w/ Eva last night and the rest of HK Rehab Centre and Sosc166.  The food was definitely not worth the $85 lol.  They didn't give us any white rice lol which was really weird.  

Its good to have a working computer.  I have a shitton of hw to do. Damn. 

Plans Today
210 Ch 18, 19

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