I went to the gym this morning... ya I'm a little insane... It was followed by a nice meal at G/F with the parents. Second time having dim sum at G/F and its quite good. They have this high tea set which includes about eight different samples of dim sum for $26HKD. The picture isn't from today. Just needed a nice food pic to pretty this space up today =P I haven't been bringing my camera out with me these past few days for some odd reason. No idea why. I should charge both batteries and throw it in my bag later tonight. The conversation during the meal was a little depressing. It was like a reality check, ya in about 50 days I will be flying back home to work and school. Everything will be back to normal. The economy still sucks but my dad brought up an interesting point. HK is independent from China's rule for fifty years. But what happens after that? HK isn't always going to stay like this. Shanghai has already been delcared as China's financial center. China has been announced as the fifth largest holder of gold in the world. They are going to keep climbing that ladder and buying more gold since they want to declare the euro and yen as international currency along with the usd. HK has changed alot since my parents have grown up and it will change alot in the next ten years too. News from home... sigh.
I have to go to Wan Chai next week to get my student visa extended by two days. My flight home is on the 16th but my student visa ends on the 14th. So retarded. I packed some of my clothes away yesterday. mostly just the sweaters and jackets that I won't be using. I have no idea how much stuff I am going be bringing back. I feel like I have bought so much stuff in the past three months. I think I am going to make use of our alloted six suitcases for the trip back home. I mean, my stuff barely fit in the suitcase on the way here. Thank god we had two suitcases filled with gifts... I am going to need to fill those up with all the clothes and random ass shit I have bought.
Dad's birthday is on Thursday. I have no idea what to get him or what to do. Shit.
I really have no motivation to do any sort of work. I've been at the library for two hours now. The only things I have accomplished are watching an episode of The Office, downloading and playing with Picasa, reading through Lab5 for 152 tmrw, and this blog post. Somehow I have managed to get by for the past 11 weeks with essentially no work. I am so damn lazy. Its getting freaking cold in the lib now. I'll stick it out for a little longer and then go eat. =]
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