Tuesday, April 7, 2009

One of my classmates mentioned this week that he would be happy with a B in one of his classes. I asked him why he didn't want an A. He said that he would be happy with an A in one or two of the classes and the rest don't matter, just pass with a D would be fine with them. These kids are smart and so I couldn't understand why they would be satisfied with just that. They said that it was because they see the kids who have straight A's are always in the library studying, studying while they are eating, and living in the library. They said that they didn't want a life like this. A lower GPA was fine with them for the ability to go have fun. They go out on weekends and do all sorts of fun things. It makes me really sad because even though I am living this lifestyle now, I know that things won't stay like this when I go back home. Even though I don't have straight A's at home, my GPA is decent and I want to keep it there. But the more I think about it, the more scared I am to go home. I mentioned one day to my friends here that I was very unused to going out on the weekends and after classes to walk around and eat and have fun. They looked at me in shock like I was some sort of ghost. Maybe I need to make some significant changes to my lifestyle at home. Because if I have to go back to studying in my room all the time, eating my meals alone, I might go crazy and jump the mushroom. 

YP is gone for two weeks T___T. I'm going to be so lonely. Maybe will write in here more often. Break starts on Thursday. Going to watch the new Jackie Chan movie tomorrow with the elec kiddies. 

Gosh I'm going to miss them.

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