Monday, March 2, 2009

I need to learn to keep up on this thing.

So it has been about a month since my last post. I've really ignored this thing.

School is surprisingly not as difficult as I expected it to be. I feel like I should have taken another engineering class. That would have made a good load. I've been shopping at least twice a week which is keeping my spirits high. :) I've bought alot of clothes in the few weeks that I have been here. I think next time I go out, I need to buy some shorts.

This morning, I noticed there was a small bubble of skin on the bottom of my foot. I broke the skin and tried to clear some of it but ended up pulling off an extremely thick piece of skin. Gross. I know. Now it hurts when I walk because that one part of my foot has extremely thin skin.

Just before dinner, I decided that it would be a good idea to try out this experiment I read about. Apple cider vinegar is very popular for lots of different reasons. I bought some over the weekend to try out as a shampoo that is said to be good for your hair. Well, it turns out that it leaves a horrendous smell afterwards even after I rinsed it out for 20 minutes. Maybe I will dilute my solution some more tomorrow...

I decided it would be a good idea today to eat my noodle dinner by the seaside. I mean, how often is the weather so gorgeous and Maryland sure doesn't have a beach on campus. Well after settling on a rock and dipping my first bite of yau mien into chili, I felt a sting on my ankle. I figured it was some sand or something. Then I noticed a sting on my thigh. Great. Mosquitos. But seriously on the second of March? Its snowing back at home. There won't be mosquitos there for another good two months. Anyways, after about five minutes of trying to withstand it I was scampering back to my room with my semi-eaten noodles.

I've covered all of my eight mosquito bites with toothpaste. It feels so good. Hopefully the AVC smell will be gone tomorrow and then I will just smell like peppermint all day.

But seriously, aside from my several and many random mishaps today, HKUST is absolutely amazing. I don't think I have ever enjoyed school this much. The professors make sense and the homework doesn't last until 4am. I could seriously get used to this.

But then again I've been slackin on the hw. Slackin as usual, but there is not that much that has built up. Exams are the week of the 20th. Seems pretty straightforward stuff so far.

Enough procrastinating. Time for some glorious statistics.

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