Wednesday, March 4, 2009

What an incredibly unproductive day so far. I'm restless. I don't want to watch tv, I don't want to play games, I don't want to study.

I was awakened by the jackhammering of construction outside my window. This poor pond has been empty since the second week of class. :( I guess that means less mosquitos tho.

I did laundry and then Yi Pei came back from Guai Lum. Yayy!! =) We had lunch at LG5 and I had this amazing Japanese egg rice dish. It was like two pounds of egg and tomato rice and I downed it all with a cup of cold milk tea.

Started to watch The Four on Seems pretty good so far although I have not even finished episode 1.

I have 210 hw due tmrw. I have no idea what is going on. I should probably go read the notes... now... Ugh I'm so lazy today.

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