Sunday, March 8, 2009

Weekend Fun!

The weekend started off with the intention of studying all day Saturday and then going out shopping on Sunday. It is a little backwards now because I ended up shopping a little at Mong Kok on Friday night. Bought some socks and lo behold, more skirts. They were 2 for $30hkd. How ridiculously cheap is that? I seriously cannot believe some of the prices here. Really though, at that price I had to buy it.

Saturday morning started off quite late as I had the intention of getting up around 9 to do some homework. I ended up waking up at 11 and joining Yi Pei and some other friends to go hiking at Kum Shan. This is where they went monkey feeding last week. We at lunch at Prince Edward which was quite good. After that we took bus 81 to the trail.

The first few monkeys that we saw at the park entrance were following a man who had some peanuts in his bag.

The scenery in the park was amazing!!!

Aand some more monkeys :)

After walking around the park for a while, we came upon this trail and decided to take it.

There were some cool scenery spots with benches and such. YiPei and I are pretending to play Chinese chess with the loose change in our bags.

After that, we kept walking and walking and walking. We noticed that suddenly we kept climbing more stairs and it seemed as if we were getting farther and farther from the city. The stairs were killing me as this was seriously the most exercise that I've gotten in the past year. It started to get really dark and I was really scared that we were going to die in the mountains of New Territories hahahaha!

But after another hour of stair climbing, we finally reached the peak and started our decent. There was another 30 minutes of downhill walking before we caught glimpse of lights! We had finally reached the next town haha! There was a small house on the side of the road that sold small snacks and drinks. We quickly bought some as we had not eaten for about four hours. I bought this funky soda called Ginger Beer. It actually had some ginger flavour to it and was very good! The lady at the store told us that it was only another 20 minutes until we reached the MTR station and we hastily followed the road she pointed at.

We were rewarded with lots of cha chan tangs with delicious food! We stopped in one of the first ones we saw and I ordered this for my dinner.

It was $26hkd and delicious. It was noodles with beef, a plate with bread, egg, and ham, and a cold milk tea. SO GOOD.

We made it back alive and after a hot shower and some Big Bang Theory, I was out cold for the night.

This morning I again planned on waking up at 9am to go to the library. My alarm went off and I quickly disabled it and woke up at 11 again. Auntie Alice called not long after announcing that she was coming to school with food. Lots of food.

I'm stuffed from lunch, and I have a curry dish waiting for dinner. I'm going to die from eating too much.

The library is surprisingly filled on Sunday. There are more people than on weekdays...

Enough procrastination. Time for some 152 studying!

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