Sunday, March 29, 2009

...and we lost one.

University life here seems much more lax than CP. After exams, kids just don't show up to class anymore. There were about thirty people in stat on Thursday. The class is supposed to be about 120... Following their example, I skipped all of my classes on Friday. The day started early with YP and I making our way to HKU. We went via Choi Hung and ended up at Fa Yuen Gai. Inevitably we ended up combing the area and buying to our hearts content. Only about three hours later did we attempt to go to HKU again. Took the MTR to Wan Chai and then the 40 bus to HKU.

HKU is pretty much what I expected it to be. I feel like the place has alot of history to it. Its pretty cool to have a university in the middle of the city. The design is quite poor though since you have to take a bus to go to class -__-". Jonathan and I ended up watching one episode South Park in the library before we each KOed in front of the TV. Afterwards, we all took the bus to MK to meet up with Shing. It was his last night in HK before going back to Singapore and then Japan for his exchange.

We wandered the area before heading to the MTR Station to meet w/ Todd and Wong Chung. We had dinner at a cha chan tang and ordered a set meal for our side of the table. YP, Todd, Shing, and I got goose, cha siu, veg, swt sour pork, chicken, and tofu. Quite a delicious meal.

Dessert was a delicious milk pudding? One of the most heavenly things ever. I need to go back to have more! Must try the egg one as well.

After visiting Shing's grandparents'house, we played silly drinking games with water. The laughter was enough exercise for me for the whole week. Ridiculous. Before midnight, the HKU kiddies left us. The lack of MTR after 12:30/1am is a bit of a problem sometimes but they do have buses at night. The rest of us wandered around the empty streets of Mong Kok at night. The streets were not really empty though. Even at 1am, there are still people walking around, people sitting around and eating. They are a few odd shops that are still open. We went to a recommended dessert place to have shaved ice. YP and I shared mangooooo! So amazing!

We stumbled upon Tung Choi Gai which was empty and filled with rubbish from the day. Took lots of fun pictures which are still with Shing. It was really sad to see him go. We had alot of fun days in UST and hiking. It reminds me that we are already halfway through our exchange and that in a few months all of us will have to go our separate ways.

1 comment:

  1. Lol. Cha Chan Tang sounds like a delicious place.
