Thursday, March 18, 2010

i should really stop kidding myself on this.

spring break, in the library, studying electrodynamics. it really doesn't get much better than this. really.

okay its not so bad. but it is somehow.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Procrastinating instead of studying.... for my exam in 2 hrs.

Three exams done, two more to go.

I have Enee241 in about two hours. I seriously have no idea how that is going to turn out. His exams are hit or miss. =/ Hopefully this one will be a hit.

I'm waiting anxiously as grades get posted to testudo. So far, I've passed two of my six classes. Yay.

Still waiting on four of them.

Its all going to be over on Saturday. Alllllll overrrr.

Caffeine makes me need to pee. =/

I couldn't stay focused on the damn history essays this morning. Partially because I didn't even bother to understand the second question. But after an hour, my concentration was basically shot. I was screwed. Lolzor. I can't change my grade in that class anyways. Going to get a fucking B. Can't believe this bullshit. It makes me incredibly angry. Rage.

I made myself a peanut butter sandwich for lunch. In the wam lab now.... I have matlab to work on and then 380 after this exam. oh 380. oh 380. oh dear.

im cold. i couldn't find my vest in my extremely large pile of clothing this morning. :(

At least that damn room is usually pretty warm.

Things to do after 12:30pm on Saturday:
Lunch w. Cathy, Rebecca Minkoff sample sale, Georgetown cupcakes maybe? =D

Things to do during break:
P90x. God I love it.
Watch more tv than humanly possible.
Play with Christmas presents.
Play with more Christmas presents.
Try not to spend anymore money.
Maybe work at Rubys?
COOK!!! Yea~! I'm going to cook so much delicious food! =D

Sunday, December 13, 2009


I need to get this shit right this time.

The sleepless nights are coming again. I had the worst time trying to sleep on Friday night. :( When I closed my eyes all I saw racing through my mind were the equations and problem set. Its kinda cool, but then kinda annoying once it becomes 4am and you have to get up at 9.

Somebody took away the table in the fourth floor lounge so I am in the fifth floor now. Its nice and quiet. Hopefully it will stay that way for most of the day. I plan to hog this table for at least the next two hours.

Its raining... Wet and cold :(

On the bright side, I now have a partner in crime for Saturday afternoon! Cathy and I are going to go to the Rebecca Minkoff DC sample sale! I'm really excited even though I plan on just looking. I've bought so much stuff this semester so far its not even funny. I got rid of all of my old bags and replaced them with twice as many new ones. I have four MAMs now, Lavendar, Ostrich/Cream, Orange Haze, and a Studded Brown Bear at home. Two Nikki's: Cranberry and Studded Brown Bear. Two Devotes: Ostrich/Eggshell and Studded Almond. And a 3Zip MAC in Black Haze.

How many is too many? Probably what I have lolz. But seriously, I'm only going to look on Saturday. =P

Alright, enough of a break. Back to studying for math. Oh math. I shall conquer you this time!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Jon is officially a retard.

He has essentially contributed nothing to our SAIC project. I hope he is happy, he got $1000 for doing nothing. I've lost all respect for him. The only thing that he has been useful for is getting our report bound. Thats the ONLY thing that he has contributed to this 10 week long project. Then afterwards he has the nerve to ask us to pay him for the $8 it cost him to get it bound. Um he just got $1k for helping us bind a report. I hate him.

He said something really dumb at our presentation. again. I am going to start a log of "dumb quotes by jon". The shit he says without thinking is really crazy.

"the current in the tube of this light makes the light go faster than the speed of light."


I hope I am the only one who heard it.

I doubt I was...

Other than that awkward statement, the presentation was pretty much a success. Jon didn't say anything after the introduction, and Abs and I rocked that shit. He wants to give us a site tour over winter break. Its going to be exciting if we can work that out. :)

Gary is taking me out to dinner on Friday to celebrate the completion of our SAIC project! I gotta think about what I want to eat. Hehehee.

I've been on and off stressed about school and exams for a while. Some days I am really freaked out, others I am totally fine with the ridiculous amount of shit I have to do. Its weird. And it all ends next Saturday.

Today is one of those relaxed days. I've gotta study for this math exam tmrw though. =]

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Day by day

i'm in the library mugging again. it shall be the death of me sooner or later.

gary is at the baltimore aquarium. i love that place. the last time i went was about ten years ago. i kinda wanted to go during july 4 when we were up there but there were way too many people. i was hoping to go during winter break maybe. im kinda jealous that he went without me. granted, it was essentially free to get in today. he says we will go during winter break, but i feel like its not going to be all that great now that he has seen everything.

its snowing outside. its disgusting.

there is so much to do this weekend. study for math, review for math, learn fucking electrodynamics. do the SAIC project.

ugh. SAIC project. its such a great project, its just seriously been ruined by my experience with jon. i've had to deal with some terrible teammates in the past. like in quest, i worked with some serious morons. but at the end of the day, i would be able to look at them and laugh. i'd bitch about their lack of work, but it was okay because i was still able to see them in around school and say hi. jon however, is truly an utter failure. i've never been so bothered by a teammate before. its not really his lack of work or trying that bothers me at this point. its the fact that he trys to get involved when he doesn't know what is going on and just causes problems. this was the first thing that bothered me. i've tried to help him become a better teammate throughout this project. there are alot of things he needs to learn. but at this point in the semester, we can't afford any fuckups. i've completely lost all respect for him. there is no more. and the part that kills me is that i tried so hard with him. and he throws it all back into my face. he need to learn some humility or he is going to continue his downward spiral. no wonder ATK didn't want him back lol.

but he really took it to the next level when he called blamed me for his downfalls and failures, and then called me a liar. its personal now.

its funny. there are alot of people who i do not like. but i respect them in some ways because they have attributes that make them successful in life. whether its their intelligence, beauty, ability to manipulate people. they have something that will get them somewhere. jon. he doesn't have any of it. he has a good mind, but never is able to do anything to backup what he says. even as just a friend. its sad. not that many people in my life have pushed me to this level. only one that i can think of at this moment.

okay that was my last rant about jon. i'm so done with him. i can't wait until our presentation on tuesday. after that i will never have to deal with him ever again. ^_^

I'm so nervous for exams. I can't believe I have five exams this year. I am starting to prepare now so that I don't fuck myself over. But really, I'm terrified of 380. Its probably going to kick my ass. I need to go to office hours next week.

Things to do today:
~eat wontons
~miss gary

Thursday, November 19, 2009

school is no longer a happy place.

much to do tonight.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I have brought up the topic of potentially going to HKG for winter to the parents. I don't think they will react well.

I need to charge my laptop. And my iPod. And everything electronic that I own. Everything is out of battery haha. fail.

I like the new Yogiberry place in College Park. I actually didn't like Yogiberry after coming home from HK but this place is different from the place in rockville. It is sold by weight so you can get as much or as little as you want. Plus they have alot more flavors than the other place. Instead of the traditional original and green tea, they have flavors like Taro, Lychee, Strawberry, Blueberry, Melon and more.

I'm a big fan of my favorite purple taro. It doesn't even hold a candle to the Taro ice cream in HK but the reminiscent flavor has me coming back for just a bit. $0.45 per oz, you can just get enough to satisfy your sweet cravings for just a few dollars. Its a good idea in esp in this economy, even students aren't willing to plop down $6-8 for a sweet treat.

I'll definitely be back for more.