Friday, October 30, 2009

Wintertime HK Love

Flight - $1068USD
Housing - $120USD

I'm going to do this.

I fucking deserve it.

I feel like going is unnecessary though. I need have a reason to go, some sort of goal to accomplish. I will start looking at summer jobs and try to get an interview. Jay sent me some really good information. Its improbably but not impossible.

But whatever happens in the future, I need to FINISH my engineering degree. Just do it. Its not going to be that bad. Its never that bad. =)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

I am going to apply for internships in HK.

I know I am not going to get it. I'm a engineering major applying for a finance position in a business world. But I think that part of it gives me hope.

I need to figure out whether I want to go to HK for winter break or what. If I go, I need to figure out where I am going to stay, what I am going to do.
i should have been a business major.

i suck at engineering.

so bad.

fuck. engineering.

my dad said something interesting the other day when i told him my goal in life was to win the lottery. i have never bought a single ticket in my life. he told me that buying lottery tickets doesn't increase your chance of winning, you are never going to win. It just increases your hope in life.

i need to start buying lottery tickets.

Monday, October 26, 2009

I suddenly remembered the security guard who sat under the stairs in Hall2 and always ate noodles from seafront cafe. He used to live in Boston. I remember he came up to talk to me the first day I was at UST and sitting by the ocean eating my roast duck.

I used to talk to him alot. I don't think I ever said goodbye to him.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Its always the few days before an exam when I reminisce about Hong Kong...


RennFest was excellent this year. I love the nerdiness of it all. It is just awesome. Steak on a Stake was our favorite staple. Gary and I each had two of them. The hot apple cider w/ cinnamon was delicious. I need to start getting apple cider when it gets colder here.

We watched the sword swallower, it was the same guy as last year but he shaved his head. Still funny as always. We watched them make some bronze pendants, and other random things. Drench a Wench was something we could both have watched all day. The ppl who work that booth are just hilarious.

Jousting was awesome of course. Jousting and a turkey leg = greatness. There was the one knight who got knocked off his horse twice! I actually got a video of it. He probably drew the short straw at the beginning of the day haha.

Dark chocolate covered cheesecake was a MUST. So amazing/delicious/awesome. Its my once a year heart attack food. =]

Alas, we had to leave and go back to the real world. Now I am back at school. I've cleaned/organized my room and ready to start studying... exam on monday, exam on thursday, exam next thursday... it never really ends.

The Hinman Gala last night was alot more fun than I anticipated. Its part because we had a good group at our table. =]

My brain hurts with the thought of studying.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

This week somewhat flew by. I feel like there was alot of stuff that I should have done but I cannot remember what it is.

RennFest this weekend! I am super excited for this.

Other than that, there is so much studying and homework to do its not even funny. Shiaaat.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Time flies... when you are swamped with schoolwork.

It has been a really long time since I last wrote in this thing. School has been kicking my ass for the past month. I've been doing surprisingly well handling all of my homework/studying so far. Its halfway through though and time to kick it up a notch.

I think I have found my new study location. Stamp! The library (McKeldin) its terrible to study at. Its almost like an overcrowded jail. The Egr library is slightly better since it has some windows. Chem lib which was my favorite freshman year is also suffocating now. I miss my gorgeous view of the ocean from the UST library haha! Stamp isn't so bad. Its not too overcrowded and so far I have been able to find a seat every time I come.

I feel like I have been working my ass off every day for the past month just to have a half or whole day on the weekend to go out. Its kinda depressing on the weekends when I realize there are days when I don't even leave my apartment all day. I think I need to learn to be more efficient about work so that I can squeeze a little more time out to really play. The busier I get the more I think about the relaxing time I had last semester haha!

I've had a surprisingly large amount of people come talk to me about UST. People I probably have only met once or twice. Or even just random people who have friends who know me and heard that I went. Part of me really needs to go back to HK this winter. But then the realistic part of me says that buying a plane ticket to go there for two or three weeks is ridiculous. I could be working, making money, or taking class here. Maybe I will go to Vancouver this winter break. I dunno, it seems a little too far north lol. Its cold enough here as it is. Part of me also doesn't want to go to HK in the winter because I'm not a big fan of the cold. Bah. This will take some pondering. Damn plane tickets are so expensive.

I've started to leave my iPod touch in my room when I go to class. It has proven to be a huge distraction during my longer classes, especially 241 and 380. I got away with it last semester but its just not going to work here. The profs go so fast and cover so much material in one lecture. I gotta keep up with this or I will be screwed.

This week = not enough sleep. I've been getting 7+ hours of sleep each night since January. Life is great when I get enough sleep. Its been gradually dwindling as the semester progresses. I am taking advantage of McDonalds coffee now. I had two cups earlier this afternoon when I was at stamp, saved my cup and got another free refill.

Cooking this semester has been alot easier than I expected it to be. I've done alot of pasta, sandwiches, and curry. YP sent me curry from Singapore and I made the Indian curry last week. It was delicious! I can't believe how easy it was! I am going to make more in two weeks. Next week I am going to make tacos. I bought seasoning from Safeway yesterday. I never got a chance to make Peking duck like I wanted to last month. Maybe I'll try it over Thanksgiving Break.

Thanksgiving break... Hmm black friday! I don't have anything big I need to buy, but a new flashdrive would be nice. I always lose it over the summer when I take it off my keychain. =/

I've gone on a shopping spree this month. Or rather this past week. I bought a Longchamp Le Pliage bag. Something I told myself I would never do. But suddenly a few weeks ago I started to really love it. Weird? Yea. I wanted the bilberry color the moment I saw it but eventually decided on the navy color. Saks had their Friends and Family sale so I couldn't resist. =) Omfg. I bought Burberry rainboots cos they were on sale at Nordies. Ridiculous? Yea. I need to stop buying stuff. Luckily I think most of the big sales are over with this past weekend.

I want a DSLR.


Maybe thats what I will look into for Black Friday.

If I get one, I will have to make time each week to go out and take some photos. Hmmm that might be good.

I took on a project w/ SAIC. It seems pretty straightforward and at the end we should be getting $1k each. =] Money is always good.

I have a Asian American history exam tmrw. Its an essay exam and I already have the question so I just need to write an outline and I'll be done for that class for tonight. Still have 380 to understand.... 241 to understand.... math exams next week... shit. shit. shit. shit.


Commons gave out free juice boxes and snacks today. =)

Aite, time to finish up this outline and process some 380.

I need a brain upgrade.