Monday, July 27, 2009

i got my ass kicked in BodyWorks class today.

I am going to be so sore tmrw.

I had the greatest breakfast in america today. It was toast with butter and pork floss.

it was so good that i almost thought i was in hong kong while i was eating it.

Jon's birthday party was fun. I need to knock some sense into that boy this week.

Gym gym everyday! =] I like this.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I cooked salmon, tilapia, and chicken for lunch this week.

$10 for one whole weeks worth of lunch. This is good. I need to do this more often.

I need to go to the gym starting next week. Must bring tennis shoes, towel, and other stuffs. =] Lets see how it goes.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

My toe is slowly healing. But it still looks uber gross.

I could sleep all day.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

"I knew after I left that we would not keep up our friendship"

Smart girl. Maybe I've misjudged her.

Still doesn't change the fact that she can be incredibly fake. But it redeems her a little in my book.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

yay new glasses today.

pjskidoos is delicious. filet mignon. amazing.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

I've changed my computer's time back to US Eastern time. 3.5 weeks after my arrival home.

It was starting to get annoying.

It also changed my iPod time which was annoying.

Lighthouse trip next week! =]

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Its past my bedtime.

July 4th was fun. Went to Baltimore, sat in traffic for two hours afterwards.

I gave maomao a bath today. it was hell. but i now have a clean cat.

work tmrw. yay.

what am i doing this weekend....

Friday, July 3, 2009

I still have not changed my computer clock back to US time yet....

Thursday, July 2, 2009

And the week ends early!

Veggie burger for lunch. No work tmrw b/c of July 4th... even tho tmrw is July 3rd. Hey, I'm not complaining, I get a paid day off haha. Housing stipend is coming in next week. $3,300. Its $900 more than last year. Sweet deal.

I got off work early today. There was absolutely no traffic at 1pm. Apparently all the ppl decided to not go to work today. Smart move. I got to Rockville by 2pm and so I decided to find the bo lo bao place that was advertised in the newspaper.

It was not up to par.

At all.

Then I decided to hit up the two Chinese grocery stores nearby. It was really sad walking through them and looking at the dusty shelves. The dan tat was at least a day old, probably more. The cheung fun was sparsely sprinkled with ha mai and also looked a little sad in its box.

It also occured to me that maxim had more dead fish than live fish to sell.

I went to Kam San only to find the same thing. I gave up and went to Rio to walk around before my eye appt. Nothing too interesting there.

I bought a set of weights yesterday at Modells. I hit my head with them last night.

Eye exam: nothing changed. Going to order glasses at Costco this weekend. I can't believe I lost my glasses on the plane. Oh well, no big. I've had those glasses for almost five years now. Its time for a new pair.

The weekend: probably cp. probably bbq. must eat.

I hunger. I will eat soon.