Friday, August 28, 2009

This semester is going to blow.

Bring it.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

viiiiiiiiiiiirrrrginia beach! =D

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Today is day 3 of p90x. I started on Saturday with Chest & Back. Sunday was Plyometrics which is intenseeee. More than I expected. I died after about 40 minutes. I sorta kinda did ab x with jon yesterday. Today was shoulders and arms and a real round of ab x. Tmrw is Yoga altho I heard it is quite intense.

Bring it. =D

Early sleep tonight. Not enough sleep for the past two nights. Eyes have been burning all day at work. Or maybe its pink eye? I hope not. =]

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sunday, August 2, 2009

I went to work today.

Today is Saturday.

There was no air conditioning lol. Epic fail.

Gary and I went to the asian festival in reston. Not so interesting. We hit up Carrabas for dinner which was really good. Our waitress was funny.

We went to Tysons afterwards. I haven't been to Tysons at all since coing back. Nothing really new there. Its still the same old stuff. Didn't buy anything.

Came home to be yelled at by the mother. Don't know what crawled up her ass and died today. She has this annoying thing going now where she says "so?" to everything I say. Thank god for work on Monday.